Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Event 1 Product Config
  "all": {
    "config": {
      "casc_supports_1023_archives": true,
      "component_dependencies": [
      "data_dir": "Data/",
      "decryption_key_name": "auksevent",
      "enable_block_copy_patch": true,
      "form": {
        "game_dir": {
          "dirname": "Call of Duty"
      "launcher_install_info": {
        "bootstrapper_branch": "launcher",
        "bootstrapper_product": "bts",
        "product_tag": "auks"
      "opaque_complex_data": {
        "tags_config_uri": {
          "install_packages": [
              "package_id": "auks-base",
              "required": true,
              "title_string": {
                "deDE": "Grundspiel (erforderlich)",
                "default": "Base Game (required)",
                "esES": "Juego básico (necesario)",
                "esMX": "Juego básico (necesario)",
                "frFR": "Jeu de base (requis)",
                "itIT": "Gioco base (necessario)",
                "jaJP": "ゲーム本編(必須)",
                "koKR": "기본 게임(필수)",
                "plPL": "Podstawowa wersja gry (wymagana)",
                "ptBR": "Jogo Base (necessário)",
                "ruRU": "Базовая версия игры (требуется)",
                "thTH": "ตัวเกมหลัก (จำเป็น)",
                "zhTW": "遊戲主體(必須)"
              "default_checked": true,
              "licenses": [
              "more_info_blurb_string": {
                "deDE": "Erforderlich, um die Kampagne zu spielen",
                "default": "Required to play Campaign",
                "esES": "Se necesita para jugar la campaña",
                "esMX": "Se requiere para jugar la campaña",
                "frFR": "Requis pour jouer à la campagne",
                "itIT": "Richiesto per giocare la campagna",
                "jaJP": "キャンペーンをプレイするのに必要です",
                "koKR": "캠페인 플레이에 필요합니다",
                "plPL": "Wymagane do gry w kampanię",
                "ptBR": "Necessário para jogar a Campanha",
                "ruRU": "Требуется для игры в кампании",
                "zhTW": "需要擁有才能遊玩劇情戰役"
              "more_info_blurb_unlicensed_string": "COD_UNLICENSED",
              "package_id": "auks-campaign",
              "tags": [
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                "deDE": "Kampagne",
                "default": "Campaign",
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                "esMX": "Campaña",
                "frFR": "Campagne",
                "itIT": "Campagna",
                "jaJP": "キャンペーン",
                "koKR": "캠페인",
                "plPL": "Kampania",
                "ptBR": "Campanha",
                "ruRU": "Кампания",
                "thTH": "แคมเปญ",
                "zhTW": "劇情戰役"
              "default_checked": true,
              "licenses": [
              "more_info_blurb_string": {
                "deDE": "Erforderlich, um den Mehrspielermodus zu spielen",
                "default": "Required to play Multiplayer",
                "esES": "Se necesita para jugar al multijugador",
                "esMX": "Se requiere para jugar el modo multijugador",
                "frFR": "Requis pour jouer en multijoueur",
                "itIT": "Richiesto per giocare in modalità multigiocatore",
                "jaJP": "マルチプレイヤーをプレイするのに必要です",
                "koKR": "멀티플레이에 필요합니다",
                "plPL": "Wymagane do gry w tryb wieloosobowy",
                "ptBR": "Necessário para jogar o Multijogador",
                "ruRU": "Требуется для сетевой игры",
                "zhTW": "需要擁有才能遊玩多人遊戲"
              "more_info_blurb_unlicensed_string": "COD_UNLICENSED",
              "package_id": "auks-multiplayer",
              "tags": [
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                "deDE": "Mehrspieler",
                "default": "Multiplayer",
                "esES": "Multijugador",
                "esMX": "Multijugador",
                "frFR": "Multijoueur",
                "itIT": "Multigiocatore ",
                "jaJP": "マルチプレイヤー",
                "koKR": "멀티플레이",
                "plPL": "Tryb wieloosobowy",
                "ptBR": "Multijogador",
                "ruRU": "Сетевая игра",
                "thTH": "ผู้เล่นหลายคน",
                "zhTW": "多人對戰"
              "default_checked": true,
              "licenses": [
              "more_info_blurb_string": {
                "deDE": "Erforderlich für Koop",
                "default": "Required to play Co-Op",
                "esES": "Necesario para jugar en cooperativo",
                "esMX": "Se requiere para jugar el modo cooperativo",
                "frFR": "Requis pour jouer en coopération",
                "itIT": "Necessario per giocare in modalità cooperativa",
                "jaJP": "協力プレイのために必要",
                "koKR": "코옵 플레이 시 필요합니다",
                "plPL": "Wymagane do gry w tryb współpracy",
                "ptBR": "Necessário para jogar o Cooperativo",
                "ruRU": "Необходимо для совместной игры",
                "zhTW": "需擁有才能遊玩合作模式"
              "more_info_blurb_unlicensed_string": "COD_UNLICENSED",
              "package_id": "auks-cooperative",
              "tags": [
              "title_string": {
                "deDE": "Koop",
                "default": "Co-Op",
                "esES": "Cooperativo",
                "esMX": "Cooperativo",
                "frFR": "Coop",
                "itIT": "Coop",
                "jaJP": "Co-opモード",
                "koKR": "협동전",
                "plPL": "Tryb kooperacji",
                "ptBR": "Cooperativo",
                "ruRU": "Cовместная игра",
                "thTH": "เล่นร่วมกัน",
                "zhTW": "合作模式"
              "default_checked": true,
              "package_id": "auks-warzone",
              "tags": [
              "title_string": {
                "deDE": "Warzone",
                "default": "Warzone",
                "esES": "Warzone",
                "esMX": "Warzone",
                "frFR": "Warzone",
                "itIT": "Warzone",
                "jaJP": "Warzone",
                "koKR": "워존",
                "plPL": "Warzone",
                "ptBR": "Warzone",
                "ruRU": "Warzone",
                "zhTW": "《現代戰域》"
              "default_checked": true,
              "package_id": "moon-dlc02_01",
              "tags": [
              "title_string": {
                "default": "DLC 02 - 1"
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              "package_id": "moon-dlc02_02",
              "tags": [
              "title_string": {
                "default": "DLC 02 - 2"
              "default_checked": true,
              "package_id": "moon-dlc02_03",
              "tags": [
              "title_string": {
                "default": "DLC 02 - 3"
              "default_checked": true,
              "package_id": "moon-dlc02_04",
              "tags": [
              "title_string": {
                "default": "DLC 02 - 4"
          "string_table": {
            "COD_UNLICENSED": {
              "deDE": "Für diese Inhalte ist der Kauf von Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II nötig.",
              "default": "This content requires purchase of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II",
              "esES": "Se necesita Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II para este contenido",
              "esMX": "Este contenido requiere la compra de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II",
              "frFR": "L’achat de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II est requis pour profiter de ce contenu",
              "itIT": "Questo contenuto richiede l'acquisto di Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II",
              "jaJP": "「Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II」の購入が必要です",
              "koKR": "해당 콘텐츠를 이용하려면 콜 오브 듀티: 모던 워페어 II를 구매해야 합니다",
              "plPL": "Ta zawartość wymaga posiadania gry Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II",
              "ptBR": "Este conteúdo requer a compra de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II",
              "ruRU": "Данный контент требует наличия Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II",
              "zhTW": "此內容須購買《決勝時刻:現代戰爭 II 2022》才可使用"
      "product": "aukse",
      "shared_container_default_subfolder": "_event01_",
      "supported_locales": [
      "supports_multibox": false,
      "supports_offline": false,
      "switcher": false,
      "title_info": {
        "title_id": "auks"
      "update_method": "ngdp"
  "arsa": {
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    "config": {
      "install": [
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    "config": {
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      "config": {
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        "form": {
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            "required_space": 6000000000
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